Make the best first
impression with
voicemail greetings

Give your clients a personalized
Set a professional
Upload your own
No dialing tones or
busy signals
Listen to a Voice Greeting
Types of greeting messages
Make the most out of the time your
customers spend waiting to be
Increase flexibility of call-handling scenarios
When your business is starting out, a simple recorded voice message will suffice. As your needs grow and the volume of incoming calls builds up, you might want to change voicemail greetings to a more feature-rich IVR system that will help handle your call traffic more efficiently.
Less strain for agents
Route calls quickly to available agents. Avoid displeased customers by minimizing hold time.
Improve customer satisfaction
Hit it off from day one by ensuring a smooth phone call experience for your customers. Greet, inform, and entertain your callers until someone is available to assist them properly.
Keep your clients informed
Create personalized greetings based on specific situations: business hours, special offers, other contact details or even directions to your office.
Common questions about Voice Greetings
What are Voice Greetings?
Voice Greetings are a helpful function integrated into the VPBX solution from CallGear. This feature helps companies streamline their inbound call handling routine. Instead of dull busy signals, your callers will be greeted with an engaging message that will create a positive first impression and give your potential clientele some useful information on the services you provide.
How to create the right Voice Greeting?
Represent your company with a voice greeting that best fits your brand. Create a greeting that is articulate, concise, and confident. Use a well-composed, pleasant voice.
More amazing features for your
business to use with voice greetings
More amazing features for your
business to use with voice greetings