Chat API


The following agreements are accepted when using Chat API:

  • Personal Account – A web application located in the domain or
  • Operator’s Workspace – An application that allows employees to engage in conversations with customers.
  • Adapter – A user service that implements a custom version of the Operator’s Workspace using Chat API method requests and webhooks processing.
  • Chat Channel – A connected chat channel (Website Chat, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram etc.) in the client’s account.
  • Adapter Account – A client’s integration of an adapter in the Personal Account.
  • Adapter Channel – A connection of a chat channel within the adapter.

Webhook – An HTTP request that Chat API sends to the adapter when an entity changes without direct participation from the adapter itself (e.g., chat creation, message sent by a visitor, system messages, etc.).

Manage Adapters

To begin, you need to register an integration adapter. This can be done by sending a request to the primary Chat API, available at: (UAE) or (international; from this point forward, all links in the document will default to the .ae domain. If you are outside the UAE and your Callgear account uses the .com domain, please replace .ae with .com wherever necessary). Only authorized users of the Personal Account have access to the API. To obtain an authentication token, you need to send a request.


{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", "method": "login", "params": { "login": "username", "password": "password", "project":"usa" } }

All requests to the main Chat API must be authenticated using a token, which is passed in the request header.

Authorization: Bearer 

In the API, adapters are represented by the Adapter entity.

  "id": 0,
  "type": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "supportedchanneltypes": [
  "owner": 0,
  "visibility_status": "private",
  "login": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "webhook_url": "string",
  "webhook_version": "string",
  "webhook_token": "string",
  "webhook_auth": {
    "type": "Bearer",
    "token": "string"
  "webhook_kwargs": {}

Parameter Name Type Description
id int Adapter identifier
type str Unique mnemonic for the adapter. Must match the regular expression ^[a-z0-9_]+$.
name str Adapter name
status enum Adapter status. Allowed values: active, disabled.
supportedchanneltypes enum List of channel mnemonics. Allowed values: comagic, telegram, facebook, viber, telegram_private, whatsapp, instagram.
owner int Adapter owner’s identifier. Can be null; if so, the adapter is considered system-level.
visibility_status enum Adapter visibility status. For user adapters, only the value private is allowed.
login str Login for adapter authentication
password str Password for adapter authentication
webhook_url str URL for webhooks from the Chat API
webhook_version str Webhooks version. Available versions: v1, v2; by default, version v1 is used.
webhooktoken str Token for Chat API authentication used for webhooks. Cannot be used in conjunction with webhookauth.
webhookauth object Chat API authentication configuration for webhooks. Cannot be used in conjunction with webhooktoken.
webhook_kwargs dict[str, Any] Associative array with additional arguments for webhooks. Allowed keys: timeout (a float) to control the adapter’s response wait time; an associative array of additional headers headers in the form {"name": "value"}.

The webhook_auth object defines the authentication method for webhook requests. It allows authentication using a token:

 "type": "Bearer",
 "token": "string"

Alternatively, you can also use login-password pair:

 "type": "Basic",
 "login": "string",
 "password": "string"

Adapters List

GET /v1/integration/adapter

Returns a list of Adapter entities, including both user-added adapters and system adapters. System adapters are distinguished by having a null value in the owner attribute. System adapters cannot be modified.

Create Adapter

POST /v1/integration/adapter
 "type": "string",       
 "name": "string",       
 "login": "string", 
 "password": "string",
 "webhook_url": "string",
 "webhook_token": "string",
 "webhook_auth": {
  "type": "Bearer",
  "token": "string"
 "supportedchanneltypes": [ 

Returns the created Adapter entity.

Update Adapter

PATCH /v1/integration/adapter/{adapter_id}
 "name": "string",
 "login": "string",
 "password": "string",
 "status": "active",
 "webhook_url": "string",
 "webhook_token": "string",
 "webhook_auth": {
  "type": "Bearer",
  "token": "string"
 "webhook_kwargs": {},
 "supportedchanneltypes": [

Allows updating the following attributes: name, login, password, status, webhookurl, webhooktoken, webhookauth, supportedchannel_types.

Delete Adapter

DELETE /v1/integration/adapter/{adapter_id}

An adapter can only be deleted if it is not in use.

Chat Channels

Entity channel represents a connected chat channel within a client account.

 "id": 0,
 "type": "comagic",
 "name": "string",
 "is_removed": true,
 "status": "string", 
 "status_reason": "string"

Parameter Type Description
id int Channel identifier
type enum Channel mnemonic
name str Channel name
is_removed bool Logical deletion flag
status enum Channel status
status_reason str Reason for status change

Channels List

GET /v1/integration/channel

Returns a list of Channel entities.

Connect Adapter

The adapter connection is represented by the Account entity.

 "name": "string",
 "adapter_id": 0,
 "channels": [
 "context": {},
 "id": 0,
 "status": "string"

Parameter Type Description
id int Account identifier
adapter_id int Adapter identifier
name string Account name
channels list[int] List of channel IDs
context dict[str, Any] Additional parameters. Includes ischatintegrationscenariocreated (bool) for automatic CRM forwarding scenario attachment
status enum Connection status. Possible values: active, disabled

Connections List

GET /v1/integration/account

Returns a list of Account entities.

Create Connection

POST /v1/integration/account
 "name": "string",
 "adapter_id": 0,
 "channels": [
 "context": {}

Update Connection

PATCH /v1/integration/account/{account_id}
 "name": "string",
 "channels": [
 "context": {}

Allows updating the following attributes: name, channels, context.

Delete Connection

DELETE /v1/integration/account/{account_id}

Chat API

The service is available at:


Account represents the adapter connection by a client.

 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "adapter_id": 0,
 "client_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Parameter Type Description
id int Unique account identifier
name str Account name
adapter_id int Adapter identifier
client_id int Internal entity identifier, always 1
context dict[str, Any] Additional parameters, always contains the key app_id identifying the client who connected the adapter
status enum Adapter status. Possible values: active, disabled

Channel represents the chat channel connection within an account.

 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "type": "comagic",
 "account_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Parameter Type Description
id int Unique channel identifier
account_id int Unique account identifier
name str Channel name
type enum Chat channel mnemonic. Possible values: comagic, telegram, facebook, viber, telegram_private, whatsapp, instagram
context dict[str, Any] Additional parameters, always containing appid (client identifier) and chatchannel_id (unique chat channel identifier)
status enum Channel status. Possible values: active, disabled

Adapter Authentication in Chat API

All requests to the Chat API must include the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer 

To obtain a token, the adapter must make the following request:

POST /v1/adapter/login
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The response will contain the token, type, and a Unix timestamp indicating the token’s expiration time.

 "access_token": "string",
 "token_type": "bearer",
 "expires_at": 0

Once the token expires, authentication must be repeated.

Chat API Methods

Create Chat

Creating a chat from an adapter is only possible for channels that allow initiating communication first. Currently, only chat channels with the mnemonic whatsapp support this functionality.

POST /v1/adapter/chat
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "visitor_phone": "string",
 "operator_id": 0,
 "initiator": "operator",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Chat Entity Description

Parameter Type Description
account_id int Account identifier
channel_id int Channel identifier
operator_id int Operator identifier. The operator must be registered in the personal account and have the necessary privileges.
initiator enum Initiator mnemonic. Possible values: operator, visitor, autoinvite, chat_channel. Allowed values: operator.
visitor_phone str Phone number of the user the conversation will be conducted with.
created_at str Date and time in ISO 8601 format.

The response will contain the sent entity with the attributes:

    1. chat_id – Identifier of the conversation.
    2. visitor_id – Identifier of the user with whom the conversation is conducted.

Both parameters must be used for sending messages in the chat.

Finish Chat

POST /v1/adapter/chat/close
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "operator_id": 0,
 "reason": "closedbytimeout"

Parameter Type Description
reason enum Reason for chat closure. Possible values: closedbytimeout, inviterejected, closedbyoperator, closedbyvisitor, visitorbanned, externalwindowclosed, visitordisconnected, visitorsessionexpired, closedbyscenario. Allowed values: closedby_operator.
operatorid int Operator identifier. This parameter is optional and must be provided if reason is set to closedby_operator.

Transfer Chat

POST /v1/adapter/chat/transfer
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "fromoperatorid": 0,
 "tooperatorid": 0

Parameter Type Description
fromoperatorid int Identifier of the current chat operator.
tooperatorid int Identifier of the operator to whom the chat will be assigned.

Send Message

To send a message in a chat, you need to know the chat identifier chat_id, which can be obtained either when creating the chat or from a webhook received upon chat creation.

POST /v1/adapter/message
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "operator_id": 0,
 "replytoid": 0,
 "text": "string",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
 "source": "system",
 "resource": {
  "id": 0,
  "token": "string",
  "type": "photo",
  "name": "string",
  "size": 0

Message Entity Description

Parameter Type Description
account_id int Account identifier.
channel_id int Channel identifier.
chat_id int Chat identifier.
operator_id int Operator identifier.
replytoid int Optional identifier of the message being quoted.
text str Message text.
created_at str Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
source enum Message sender mnemonic. Allowed value: operator.
resource Resource Resource object describing an attached file.
context Optional[dict[str, Any]] Optional object containing additional information.

Add Resource

POST /v1/adapter/resource
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

The form must contain the following attributes:

Parameter Type Description
account_id int Account identifier.
channel_id int Channel identifier.
type enum Resource type. Possible values: photo, video, audio, voice, document.
file bytes The file to be uploaded.

The response returns the Resource entity.

Parameter Type Description
id int Resource identifier.
token str Resource token.
type enum Resource type. Possible values: photo, video, audio, voice, document.
name str File name.
size int File size in bytes.

The response will contain the requested resource data.

Get Resource Data

GET /v1/adapter/resource/{accountid}/{channelid}/{resourceid}/{resourcetoken}/payload


Webhooks are sent in response to interactions with chat entities to the webhook_url specified in the adapter configuration. Authentication data is included in the Authorization header.

Authorization: {Type} {Credentials}

In cases where the webhook_token attribute is specified when creating the adapter, the Authorization header is formed as follows:

Authorization: Bearer {webhook_token}

Create Account

Available in versions: v1, v2

POST /account
 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "adapter_id": 0,
 "client_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Update Account

Available in versions: v1, v2

PATCH /account/{account_id}
 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "adapter_id": 0,
 "client_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Delete Account

Available in versions: v1, v2

DELETE /account/{account_id}
 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "adapter_id": 0,
 "client_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Create Channel

Available in versions: v1, v2

POST /channel
 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "type": "comagic",
 "account_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Update Channel

Available in versions: v1, v2

PATCH /channel/{channel_id}
 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "type": "comagic",
 "account_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Delete Channel

Available in versions: v1, v2

DELETE /channel/{channel_id}
 "id": 0,
 "name": "string",
 "type": "comagic",
 "account_id": 0,
 "context": {},
 "status": "active"

Create Chat

Available in versions: v1, v2

POST /chat
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "visitor_id": 0,
 "visitor_phone": "string",
 "operator_id": 0,
 "initiator": "operator",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.001Z"

Update Chat

Available in versions: v2

PATCH /chat
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "operator_id": 0

Close Chat

Available in versions: v1, v2

POST /chat/close
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "operator_id": 0,
 "reason": "closedbytimeout"

operatorid is optional.

Assign Chat to Operator

Available in versions: v1

POST /chat/operator
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "operator_id": 0

Send Message

Available in versions: v1, v2

POST /message
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "source": "system",
 "operator_id": 0,
 "replytoid": 0,
 "text": "string",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.001Z",
 "status": "accepted",
 "resource": {
  "id": 0,
  "token": "string",
  "type": "photo",
  "name": "string",
  "size": 0
 "systemmessagemnemonic": "string"

The status parameter can have the following values: accepted, delivered, read, sent, error.

Update Message

Update Message Status

Available in versions: v1, v2

POST /message/status
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "chat_id": 0,
 "message_id": 0,
 "status": "accepted"

Update Visitor Information

Available in versions: v1, v2

POST /visitor/card
 "context": {},
 "account_id": 0,
 "channel_id": 0,
 "visitor_id": 0,
 "visitor_card": {}

Visitor Card Object Description

Parameter Type Description
name str Visitor’s name
company str Visitor’s company
comment str Additional comment
phones list[str] List of phone numbers
emails list[str] List of email addresses

Transition from Webhook v1 to v2

Key Differences:

    1. Instead of a webook for chat assignment to an operator, v2 uses a chat update request.
    2. A new message update webhook has been added.

Working with WABA Channels

WABA (WhatsApp Business API) channels have specific restrictions:

    1. Outbound communications can only be initiated using predefined templates.
    2. Conversations can only take place within a time window, which starts when a visitor responds to an operator’s message.

Information about available templates (and their modifications) is sent in webhooks related to the channel in the attribute context["message_templates"], which is a list[MessageTemplate].
To fully support WABA templates, the adapter must implement webhook version v2.

MessageTemplate Structure:

Parameter Type Description
id int Template identifier
name str Template name
content MessageTemplateContent Template content
createdAt datetime Date and time of template creation

MessageTemplateContent Structure:

Parameter Type Description
text str Message text
header MessageTemplateContentHeader Header
footer MessageTemplateContentFooter Footer
keyboard MessageTemplateContentKeyboard Menu buttons

MessageTemplateContentHeader Structure:

Parameter Type Description
text Optional[str] Header text
headerType Optional[enum] Header type. Allowed values: TEXT, VIDEO, IMAGE, DOCUMENT
headerExampleMediaUrl Optional[str] Example media URL

MessageTemplateContentFooter Structure:

Parameter Type Description
text Optional[str] Footer text

MessageTemplateContentKeyboard Object Structure:

Parameter Type Description
rows list[MessageTemplateContentKeyboardRow] List of keyboard rows

MessageTemplateContentKeyboardRow Object Structure:

Parameter Type Description
buttons list[MessageTemplateContentButton] List of buttons

MessageTemplateContentButton Object Structure:

Parameter Type Description
text str Button text
buttonType enum Button type. Allowed values: QUICK_REPLY, URL, PHONE
payload str Reply text (for QUICK_REPLY buttons only)
url str Link (for URL buttons only)
phone str Phone number (for PHONE buttons only)

Send Message Using Template

To send a message with a template, use the message-sending method. The template is passed in the attribute context[template] in the following format:

Parameter Type Description
id int Template identifier
text str Message text
header MessageTemplateContentHeader Header
footer MessageTemplateContentFooter Footer
keyboard MessageTemplateContentKeyboard Menu buttons

Conversation Time Window

The time window information is sent in the new message and message update webhooks in the attribute context["conversationframets"] (type: int).

    1. The value is a UNIX timestamp indicating when the time window expires.
    2. If this attribute is missing or empty, the time window is considered closed.


1.7.0 (2024-12-09)

    1. Added information about the new callback version v2.
    2. Expanded the list of channel types that the adapter can use.
    3. Added details on working with WABA channels.

1.6.0 (2024-10-01)

    1. Added information about the new adapter attribute webhook_auth.

1.5.1 (2024-09-26)

    1. Added callback information in the Agreements section.

1.5.0 (2024-04-11)

    1. Added versioning information for callbacks.
    2. Implemented the chat closure method.
    3. Added a new method for chat transfer.

1.4.0 (2023-09-18)

    1. Added authentication token retrieval details (login to the personal account).

1.3.0 (2023-09-18)

    1. Removed the redundant visitor_id attribute from the new message event.

1.2.0 (2023-09-14)

    1. Removed redundant attributes appid and siteid from all events.

1.1.0 (2023-09-13)

    1. Updated authentication information.

1.0.0 (2023-09-12)

    1. Initial release.